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Globe Properties
Heuvelstraat 100
9500 Geraardsbergen
- Company number (KBO): BE 0808.667.719
- The address of the IPI: "Supervisory authority: Professional Institute of Real Estate Agents, rue de Luxembourg 16 B, 1000 Brussels"
- Professional title: real estate agent - IPI511082
- Indication of the country where the recognition has been granted: Belgium
- VAT identification number: BE 0808.667.719
- BA and guarantee through NV AXA Belgium (policy no. 730.390.160)
Supervisory authority:
Professional institute of real estate brokers,
Luxemburgstraat 16B in 1000 Brussel
Subject to the deontological code of the BIV
Subject to the deontological code of the BIV
Real Estate Agent
BIV 511082 (Recognized in Belgium)
Royal Decree of September 27, 2006 approving the
regulations of duties of the IPI
Professional liability and suretyship through NV AXA Belgium (Policy no. 730.390.160)